
Restaurant Athen
Brauenkamper Str. 88
(04221) 83875

This restaurant is located in the district Deichhorst. It serves well-tasting greek food as well as some common plates.

Ristorante da Mimmo
Lange Str. 101
(04221) 16647

Serves good italian food. It is a little bit more pricy here.

Zur alten Schmiede
Lange Str. 50
(04221) 13876

In this place you can find typical german food. Bring your dictionary as the menu is only in german.

You can find a variety of different food styles in the city. Greek, italian, turkish, asian, mexican and of course german cuisine is served. Fast food chains are also present. Additionally, you can find many typical turkish snack bars which serve Döner Kebap. Some of them are located in the Lange Strasse.